2017 Outdoor Season

Meet Date/Location  
WECSSAA League Meet 1 April 12 - Sandwich SS
WECSSAA League Meet 2 April 19th - Sandwich S.S.
Lancer Prep Invite April 29th - U of Windsor Alumni Field
WECSSAA League Meet 3 April 26th - Sandwich S.S.
Kennedy Relays May 05th - U of Windsor Alumni Field
London Distance Series 10000m May 13th - TD Stadium, London, ON
WECSSAA Track and Field Champs May 9-11 -Sandwich/U of Windsor
SWOSSAA May 17-18 Chatham/U Of Windsor
Night Flight May 19th - Downtown Windsor
Mission Mile May 19th - Downtown Windsor
OFSAA West Regionals May 26th -27th TD Waterhouse London
Bob Vigars Classic May 27th - TD Stadium, London, ON
OFSAA June 1-3 - Belleville
Johnny Loaring Classic May 20th - Alumni Field U of W
London Distance Series - Meet #2 1500m Night June 11 - TD Stadium, London, ON
AO Junior Senior June 17 - 18 - Alumni Stadium Windsor
District A June 23-24 - Sandwich SS
Canada Summer Games Trials June 23-25 - York University Stadiam
London Distance Series - Meet #3 Trackie Mania July 2nd - TD Waterhouse London
Ontario Legion Championships July 14-15 - Alumni Field U of Windsor
Invitcus Games Sept 24-25 Toronto Ontario